It may also be necessary to make sure that Sound Exchange (or SoX) is installed before running gcc.Īlternately, if you have the RCA software installed (in Windows only, of course) then the software can be used to convert to a different format.
These steps should get you a working binary in Linux or other UNIX environment: Using devoc takes a little more work than just installing a program (unless you are using Windows – there is a binary available for Windows). The conversion can also be done online, driven by Dave’s utility devoc. There is a utility available from Dave Coffin (devoc – with source) which will convert VOC files to 16-bit uncompressed WAV files. One of the problems people experience with the RCA format is that none of the multimedia players will play them – and virtually none provide any useful information about the actual cause of the failure. RCA went one step further: the VOC files generated by RCA digital recorders are not recognized as the original standard VOC format created by Creative Labs. The VOC file format is already not a common format, and it can be difficult to find players for VOC files.